If you need to contact us regarding any of our artists, releases or as a general enquiry please use the following details.

All demos should be sent to the main contact address and will be non-returnable - please include web address, contact phone numbers and any press / photos with your submission, together with any gigs / tour dates. If we really like what we hear we will get in touch with you.

John / Jill Clay
Stunted Records & Management
6 Cliff Gardens
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7PJ
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1724 358 966
Tel/Fax/Answerphone: +44 (0)1724 358 966
Mobile ( John ) : 07930 271 317

Email: john@stuntedrecords.co.uk
Email: jill@stuntedrecords.co.uk

Join the Stunted Mailing List
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Stunted Records releases are distributed by the following Companies :-

Shellshock Distribution ( UK ) - www.shellshock.co.uk
23a Collingwood Rd, London, N15 4LD
Phone : + 44 (0) 208 800 8110
Fax : + 44 (0) 208 800 8140

Rough Trade ( Germany ) - www.roughtrade.de
Rough Trade Distribution GmbH
Eickeler Straße 25
44651 Herne
Phone: +49 (0) 2325 - 6970
Fax: +49 (0) 2325 - 697222

Please direct all Press enquiries in the first instance direct to ourselves

Press Agents
UK Regional
Ian Cheek Press, +44 (0)113-246-9940, e: iancheek@talk21.com

UK National
HeroPR, Owen Packard, +44 (0)1635-868385, e: owen@heropr.com, www.heropr.com

BizzyBee, Sabine Friedrich, +49 (0)2330-802203, e: info@bizzybee.de, www.bizzybee.de

Web & Graphic Design
Breed Creative, e: hello@breedcreative.com, www.breedcreative.com